Wednesday 28 April 2010

Attended a funeral today and had the after part of it at a restaurant where there was a buffet and I found it so hard trying to find something I could eat which wasn't a lot. There was so much meat there which I couldn't have obviously, and home made pasties which I was hoping weren't made with beef so I could have one but how wrong I was :( But realised how hard it must be for vegetarians at things like this and that they must have really good reasons to stay non meat eaters. I ended up being able to have egg sandwich, cheese sandwich, ready salted crisps, cheese and tomato quiche and some chips (but had to ask if they had been cooked in vegetable oil away from meat products) then had to sit while everyone else chomped on slices of ham and pasties and sausage rolls :( But it just made me think how hard it must be to go to things like this for vegetarians as you need to find out what is in everything (like some of the quiches had bacon in which you couldn't really see) and what things have been cooked in etc etc. Phew. Glad I'm only doing this for a couple of weeks and not a life time! Anyway. I tried the quorn spag bol. Put lots of garlic in it and lots of onion but it definately did taste different and the texture was different too, and my boyfriend could tell from the first bite. I didn't help myself by bursting out laughing as soon as he said "this tastes a bit weird" so I gave the game away and he was not happy. He ended up making himself a bacon sandwich but I perservered with the quorn spag bol, it didn't taste as good as a beef one but it wasn't the most revolting thing I've tried and at least I attempted to make him eat something vegetarian but he didn't fall for it. Nevermind. Better luck next time!!!

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