Friday 30 April 2010

Bonjour! Well he fell for it! He had know idea the quorn strips weren't chicken mwahahaha. I didn't tell him either but I asked him afterwards if he enjoyed them and he said "yes they were very nice". Been good again today, had beans on toast for lunch. Was speaking to a customer at work about me doing this vegetarian thing and she said I had done very well (yay) and how she is a vegetarian because when she was a girl she lived on a farm during the war (no it wasn't uncle albert) and she used to see the animals go in to the slaughter house and she didn't like it as she got attatched to the animals but she said I was being very strong to just stop eating meat for an assignment and not for any moral reasons. Go me!! On the menu tonight is a chinese takeaway as it's Friday so I'm going to have a vegetable curry and rice, yum. Think I'm doing very well in not touching any meat but I do miss it and can't wait to have a bacon sandwich when I finish to celebrate yummy!!

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