Tuesday 27 April 2010

Hellloooo! Ok so the vegetarianism is going quite well. As my boyfriend had a tooth taken out yesterday he couldn't really eat anything solid so we had leek and potato soup for tea (yum my fave) so I wasn't tempted to pick anythin off his plate. Today during revision for my law exam I had a cheese salad (very boring) and about five packets of crisps as I was still hungry after the salad, thinking this veggie thing may even make me put on weight as all I seem to be eating is rubbish to fill me up from all the cheese and veggies. For tea I had veggie sausages, mash veggies and veggie gravy (my boyfriend had pork sausages and meat gravy, jelous!). Veggie sausages aren't that bad but don't think they really go with gravy, they're more of a breakfast thing, but either way would prefer the meat! Tomorrow have decided I am going to make spag bol with quorn and try and trick my boyfriend in to thinking its beef mince, mwahahaha. Do you think he'll fall for it? I'm thinking with lots of garlic and onions he won't know the difference, wish me luck!!

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