Thursday 22 April 2010

Sorry sorry sorry, I know I haven’t written for a couple of days, I’ve been so busy with other assignments which had to be in this week so had to get them done. Ok so today is the day I start my vegetarianism. Eek. I’m at college today so made myself a packed lunch of cheese and salad sandwiches and a packet of cheese and onion crisps (very creative I hear you cry). I do like cheese though but think I will get a bit bored of it as I can’t think of many other fillings I can have except salad on its own? Erm maybe not. Still trying to get my boyfriend in to it to make life easier (and cheaper) for myself, but now he’s just resorted to raising his eyebrows at me so I’m taking it as a “stop asking me I’ve already said no”. Still going to try and trick him though. For tea I’m going to make vegetarian sausages mash, peas and onion gravy (vegetable gravy obviously). My boyfriends going to have normal pork sausages (as I know he’ll be able to tell the difference, he’s not just a pretty face) so we may have to eat at separate tables so I’m not tempted to pick at his! I will let you know tomorrow how my first day has gone. Wish me luck!

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