Saturday 24 April 2010

So sorry I didn't write yesterday, I was at work and then I spent the rest of the day revising for my Law exam, not the best way for a 21 year old to spend her Friday but it's got to be done. So instead I will write two posts today. Ok so as you know Thursday was my first day of turning veggie, I had my cheese sandwich which I told you about but I didn't manage to have my veggie sausages and mash as I was called in to work so I ended up having a jacket potato with cheese and beans. Got very tempted when I finished work though as my boyfriend decided to cook steak and even offered me some! You'll be very happy to know that I didn't touch any though, instead just sat and drooled while he ate it. Yesterday as I was at work I had an egg on toast for dinner and a cheese and onion pie with salad for tea. I think I've done very well so far as I usually have some sort of meat for tea. Not sure what I'm having for tea today, think we're having a take away as it's a Saturday night so wish me luck that I'm not tempted to have KFC! Mmmmm KFC. I'll write again tonight to let you know what I've had and how hard it was for me to choose a meat free version :(

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