Thursday 15 April 2010

I spoke to my friend Katie who used to be a vegetarian so I’m going to ask her the reasons why she became a veggie, and the reasons she is not now:
Hannah: Hello my lovely, how are you? I would like to ask you a couple of questions on your vegetarianism if that’s ok?
Katie: Of course ask away
Hannah: Ok, first of all what made you decide to become vegetarian?
Katie: Well I was sharing a house with some friends who were all vegetarians so that was probably one of the reasons but also I just didn’t like the thought of an animal dying for me to eat, when I can easily live off vegetables and stuff.
Hannah: How long were you a vegetarian?
Katie: A few years
Hannah: Ok Cool. Did you find it hard being a vegetarian as in making your own food?
Katie: No it was really easy, and I love cooking anyway so I liked experimenting with different vegetables and stuff.
Hannah: What about eating out? Was it hard finding restaurants that did a range of veggie meals?
Katie: Well some restaurants I found only do one or two veggie meals but a lot of restaurants have a good range of veggie meals so I stuck to those places.
Hannah: What was the meat you missed the most?
Katie: Definitely a bacon sarnie
Hannah: So you’re not vegetarian anymore, what happened there?
Katie: I met my boyfriend who is a big meat eater. As simple as. He put bacon in my mouth and I haven’t looked back since!
Hannah: But do you still feel guilty about all those animals that are dying for you to eat them?
Katie: Yeah but it tastes so good
Hannah: Fair enough, how do you think me turning vegetarian is going to turn out?
Katie: Terrible, you like your meat too much!
Hannah: Well thanks for the vote of confidence!
There you have it, a personal insight in to a vegetarian who couldn’t give up the good stuff, and doesn’t think I will be able to either!

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