Sunday 25 April 2010

Ok so forgot to write another post yesterday, woops. We didn't end up getting takeaway, we went out for dinner instead to the meadery. Unfair I think as I love the pork ribs at the meadery but I had to have the vegetarian lasagne instead :( my boyfriend had the ribs though and I was so tempted to have some but I didn't you will be pleased to know. Was tempted to sit at another table though as he was teasing me with them. Went for breakfast this morning and had to have a vegetarian fry up. The veggie sausages were ok, not as good as meat sausages and I couldn't have any bacon. Don't really understand why vegetarians refuse to eat meat, but will eat something that looks like meat such as the veggie sausages, they also do vegetarian bacon as well which I think is quite strange. The friend I interviewed the other day used to eat it and she said it tastes like bacon but obviously isn't. It's a perfect rectangle shaped product that tastes like meat but doesn't contain any meat. I can't see the point in it to be honest, you may as well eat the actual thing! Hmmm so as you can see only a few days of turning veggie and I'm resenting it already. I am determined to stick to it though but can't wait until it's all over! My boyfriend wants to have a roast for tea tonight but I told him no, as I think that's very unfair as I couldn't even have the gravy :( So clearly although he's said he's not turning veggie with me, I'm saying he's not allowed most of the meat meals he loves, I think that's only fair though. If I'm not allowed to then he's not either!

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