Thursday 29 April 2010

Had my law exam today eek! Don't know how well I did, well put it this way, the first question I was like "Eh?" so I'm guessing not good! Went fishing on my boyfriends Dad's boat last night, just over the side rod fishing, caught a few mackerel but I had to stop as I got a little sea sick. I actually thought it was quite cruel though because some of the fish were comin out with hooks through their back and through their mouths and watching them flap around in a box because they couldn't breathe I was tempted to throw them back in! But it made me think how some vegetarians are very strict on not eating meat because an animal is killed but they will quite happily eat a fish. But to be honest with you I think the way fish die is worse, because at least a cow or a sheep is stunned in a slaughter house and killed in the most humane way possible but a fish has a hook through its mouth and then suffocated basically. Not nice. It has made me think though about what I eat but, I suppose it's hypocritical really, but at least I haven't seen the way the cow or sheep has died that's on my plate but seeing those fish last night made me think I don't want to eat it, though I don't eat that much fish anyway. Ok so today as I had my law exam and didn't get home until about three all I've had for my lunch was a packet of cheese and onion crisps because I wasn't that hungry but thought I should eat something as my brain had been working since 8am this morning with revision! For tea I'm making potato salad, salad and some breaded quorn strips (supposed to be like southern fried chicken) don't think they'll taste that different but the texture might be. Going to try and trick my boyfriend in to eating these tonight, don't think he'd assume I'd try to trick him twice in a row but we shall see!

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