Friday 9 April 2010

I looked at which has 21 reasons to become a vegetarian. It’s a very biased and hard hitting site. It says that being a vegetarian means you’ll have less fat intake and if you eat meat you increase your chances of having a heart attack or getting cancer. Nice. It tries to make you feel guilty for eating meat for the pain and suffering animals go through to die in a slaughter house. I’m sure there are a minority of slaughter houses that don’t kill the animal in the most humane way, but I do know that in the majority of slaughter houses the animal is killed in a pain free way and does not suffer. This is what the internet site actually says: “Animals who die for your dinner table die alone, in terror, in sadness and in pain. The killing is merciless and inhumane.” I mean come on, who’s writing this?! You’ll have to look at the site yourself to see what other things are being said on there. It’s outrageous. I do understand vegetarians views to not eat meat, I am an animal lover myself but clearly not enough to stop eating them! What I will say is vegetarians slate meat eaters for doing what we do but a meat eater won’t sit down and tell a vegetarian to eat meat, yet vegetarians always try to change our minds and get us to stop eating meat (trust me I’ve had a few people do this to me) and this website is a perfect example. Basically in life we have meat eaters and we have non - meat eaters and that’s just the way the world works, it will never be perfect!

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