Tuesday 18 May 2010

Aww my last ever post, I'd like to say it's been fun but strangely it's been kind of hard work. Anyhoo so today I have been at college all day, lots of shorthand but I was getting some of the 100 wpm which I was very proud of myself about yay me. So when I got home I had leek and potato cuppa soup whilst doing some uni work and then for tea I made a vegetarian style burger with all the trimmings and lots of salad. So excited about being able to eat meat tomorrow. I'm working but where I work has the best sausages that they use in their breakfasts so I'm going to have a sausage sandwich and then steak for tea wooooohoooo. I think I have done very well and am so proud of me that I made it the whole 28 days without touching one piece of meat, if you know me well enough you'll know how hard that is for me! So I hope you're all proud of me too. I kind of enjoyed doing this blog but it is hard trying to keep up with it for 28 days and having something good to say everyday. I'm not a blogger myself, don't do facebook or anything, but from doing this I can kind of see that blogging must take up a big part of your life, so maybe people only post things when there is something interesting to say. But when we were assigned this essay it was like "hmm a blog, very easy" but it has been quite difficult thinking of things to say that people following it would be interested in. So I hope my posts haven't been too boring for you all! And I hope you thought my idea of going veggie for 28 days was a good one. Thankyou for taking the time to follow it. Bye bye
My final day, but not my final post as I didn't do one yesterday as I was extremely busy. So I'm going to do another post later to make up for it. Anyhoo so yesterday I had cheesy pasta for lunch with quorn pieces and veggie bacon pieces, wasn't as good as the real thing but I was so hungry I wolfed it down! Then I had work so I didn't have tea till late and I just had a quick jacket potato with cheesy beans. So as I have one more post to do I will write that later on what I have had today and tell you how much I am going to miss doing this, or not as the case may be but anyway, speak to you later!

Sunday 16 May 2010

Good evening! Only two days left yay. Went out last night and got a tad drunk so didn't get up until late today and felt a little sick and didn't fancy anything until tea time. So I made a vegetable pie and roast potatoes (cooked in olive oil not lard) and veg with vegetable gravy. It was quite yummy actually, like a mini roast and I didn't mind that there was no meat involved. Went to Pool Market today and we bought lots of meat off the butchers stand which I've put in the freezer and will probably end up eating it all on Wednesday as that's the first day I can eat meat yay. It's only been 28 days but it has felt like a long time. Anyway back to my assignments and I'll write to you tomorrow. Tata

Saturday 15 May 2010

Ok so sorry about the short post last night I was very tired. Anyhoo as I've been at work today I've had beans on toast and have realised that I can't wait for this vegetarianism to be over as all the breakfasts that were going out this morning made me realise how much I miss meat so it's getting to me today, I think I only have 3 days left though wooooohooooo! I've done very well don't ya think? Ok so as I've just finished work and am very tired I am going to have a nap in a mo I think. On the menu tonight is vegetarian sausages mash and onion gravy. My boyfriend bought some lush pork sausages which he knows I can't have the sly old fox so I've hidden some in the freezer so I can have them when I can eat meat again yay. Then I'll be off to the pub probably if I'm not too tired. Hope you all have wonderful plans for your weekend, speak to you tomorrow. Byeeeeee

Friday 14 May 2010

Had a shorthand exam today which I think went quite well and as it was sunny this afternoon I went to meet my boyfriend at the pub for a couple of drinks and we decided to get pizza takeaway. I just had a cheese and tomato as I didn't fancy a vegetarian one. Haven't eaten anything other than the pizza though as after my exam I went straight to work and didn't really think about eating! Anyhoo the sun (and vodka) have gone straight to my head so I'm off to bed in a mo before work again tomorrow, and then it's more essays, yay so excited! Will write a better post tomorrow but for now I am too tired. Nighty night

Thursday 13 May 2010

Uuufffff, feel really poorly today. Like a kind of flu thing so I gave college a miss as I have a shorthand exam tomorrow and would like to feel my best for it. Tried to get on with my case study but my head was just not on it so instead I've laid around feeling sorry for myself. Haven't eaten all day yet as I haven't felt hungry but am going to make some tea as I need to eat something to get my brain in gear for tomorrow. Going to just have a leek and potato soup as I can't be bothered to actually make a proper meal. Actually thinking about it since I've done this vegetarian thing I have felt a little poorly and very tired, maybe I'm not getting enough iron or something from the lack of meat and my body isn't used to it?! Didn't think about that. Though actually my heads not in the right place to think about anything today! So I'm off to have some soup then curl back up in to bed. Speak tomorrow

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Bonjourno! Been at work today and working this evening so a quick post to let you know whats on the menu today and what yesterdays meals turned out like. The stuffed peppers were very yummy. I put red onion, garlic and rice in them and had some salad with it. Today I had beans on toast at work and tonight I'm making a korma with quorn, it's a sauce from the man who made the reggae reggae sauce and it looks quite nice so lets hope so! My boyfriend is going to have exactly the same as I have work and don't have time to make two different things so he's going to have to make do! He knows though so there's no tricking involved today, thinking when I get home from work he'll have left the curry and made himself a bacon sandwich!