Wednesday 5 May 2010

Busy busy day today! Been workin till about two ish then had to go and pick my laptop up as it was being fixed then spent the afternoon in the library at college completing some work. As I've been busy all day I didn't have time for lunch so I had some toast quickly before I went to work with just butter on it, and then quorn spag bol for tea. I'm kind of running out of ideas for meals at the mo, I just seem to be repeatin what I've already eaten, but as long as none of it contains meat then I suppose it doesn't matter. So glad I didn't decide to turn vegan, really don't think I would have coped then, that must be really hard to do that all the time! Oh damn I forgot to buy cheese for my packed lunch tomorrow. Sorry thinking out loud there. Anyway I should get off and carry on with some more work got so much to do in so little time toodloooo!

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