Monday 10 May 2010

Sooooo sorry I haven't wrote over the weekend, been very very busy with uni work etc etc. I didn't end up going shopping for some non meat food as I had other stuff to sort out. So on Saturday as I was going to the pub in the evening, me and my boyfriend went for a meal. I had vegetarian chilli which was nice but a little bit spicy and I'm not really good with hot food, but the only other vegetarian option was red pepper and mushroom bake, but I don't like mushrooms! I ate most of it though and the main thing was it was vegetarian. Yesterday (Sunday) I didn't really eat as I was hungover from Saturday night so I had some cheese on toast for brunch and a chinese in the evening. Had vegetarian curry again. Found out something horrible though, my boss told me that he had heard of cats being used as chicken in my local chinese eek. Heard a couple of years ago that some chinese were doing it, but didn't think my local one would, so thinking I may steer clear of meat from there altogether! Anyhoo as I have missed a couple of posts I will write another before I go to work this evening. Until then...

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