Saturday 15 May 2010

Ok so sorry about the short post last night I was very tired. Anyhoo as I've been at work today I've had beans on toast and have realised that I can't wait for this vegetarianism to be over as all the breakfasts that were going out this morning made me realise how much I miss meat so it's getting to me today, I think I only have 3 days left though wooooohooooo! I've done very well don't ya think? Ok so as I've just finished work and am very tired I am going to have a nap in a mo I think. On the menu tonight is vegetarian sausages mash and onion gravy. My boyfriend bought some lush pork sausages which he knows I can't have the sly old fox so I've hidden some in the freezer so I can have them when I can eat meat again yay. Then I'll be off to the pub probably if I'm not too tired. Hope you all have wonderful plans for your weekend, speak to you tomorrow. Byeeeeee

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