Tuesday 18 May 2010

Aww my last ever post, I'd like to say it's been fun but strangely it's been kind of hard work. Anyhoo so today I have been at college all day, lots of shorthand but I was getting some of the 100 wpm which I was very proud of myself about yay me. So when I got home I had leek and potato cuppa soup whilst doing some uni work and then for tea I made a vegetarian style burger with all the trimmings and lots of salad. So excited about being able to eat meat tomorrow. I'm working but where I work has the best sausages that they use in their breakfasts so I'm going to have a sausage sandwich and then steak for tea wooooohoooo. I think I have done very well and am so proud of me that I made it the whole 28 days without touching one piece of meat, if you know me well enough you'll know how hard that is for me! So I hope you're all proud of me too. I kind of enjoyed doing this blog but it is hard trying to keep up with it for 28 days and having something good to say everyday. I'm not a blogger myself, don't do facebook or anything, but from doing this I can kind of see that blogging must take up a big part of your life, so maybe people only post things when there is something interesting to say. But when we were assigned this essay it was like "hmm a blog, very easy" but it has been quite difficult thinking of things to say that people following it would be interested in. So I hope my posts haven't been too boring for you all! And I hope you thought my idea of going veggie for 28 days was a good one. Thankyou for taking the time to follow it. Bye bye

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