Thursday 13 May 2010

Uuufffff, feel really poorly today. Like a kind of flu thing so I gave college a miss as I have a shorthand exam tomorrow and would like to feel my best for it. Tried to get on with my case study but my head was just not on it so instead I've laid around feeling sorry for myself. Haven't eaten all day yet as I haven't felt hungry but am going to make some tea as I need to eat something to get my brain in gear for tomorrow. Going to just have a leek and potato soup as I can't be bothered to actually make a proper meal. Actually thinking about it since I've done this vegetarian thing I have felt a little poorly and very tired, maybe I'm not getting enough iron or something from the lack of meat and my body isn't used to it?! Didn't think about that. Though actually my heads not in the right place to think about anything today! So I'm off to have some soup then curl back up in to bed. Speak tomorrow

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