Tuesday 4 May 2010

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, my boyfriends sister has moved in to a new house so I was helping decorate the babies room pink but it took forvever to strip all the old wallpaper off, worst job ever, whoever invented wallpaper needs a slap! Anyhoo so yesterday I fancied a bacon and egg sandwich but as I didn't have any veggie bacon and couldn't have the real stuff I had to have an egg sandwich (not the most exciting thing in the world) then for lunch we all went out and got a pasty but I had to have a veggie one which I was not happy about because I love steak pasties and everyone was tempting me with some grrrr. For tea as we finished late we got takeaway pizza and I had to have a veggie one of those too. I'm telling you this vegetarian stuff is not all it cracks up to be, there doesn't seem to be much choice when it comes to fast food! Today I had cheesy pasta for lunch and I'm having veggie sausages and mash tonight. Not really looking forward to it and I don't like it when I'm not looking forward to my food because I love it! Anyway off to watch easties now then get on with some uni work. Have a lovely evening all!

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