Sunday 2 May 2010

The sun is shining wooooohooooo! The cheesy 'bacon' pasta was ok, the veggie bacon wasn't as good as normal bacon but am thinking that's only because I knew, thinking if I didn't know it was veggie bacon I wouldn't have known the difference. This vegetarian stuff is taking it's toll on the old purse strings though. It's so expensive when you're in a relationship and only one of you is a vegetarian. Don't know how couples do it everyday of the year as I've only been doing it for a few days and already I'm struggling with money to buy myself different food from my boyfriend. Had a fry up this morning but obviously had vegetarian sausages, rather annoying as it was at the cafe where I work and the pork sausages there are amazing so I was drooling at all the other plates going past me that had the yummy sausages on. As it's a sunny day I'm off to spend the evening at the pub to sit in the beer garden in the sunshine. Still full from my breakfast so not going to cook tea tonight so may just have a cheese and tomato toastie when I get in or something. Bank holiday tomorrow so day off college, got lots of assignments to do so I'll be catching up on them whilst filling you in on what meals I can think up for tea. Not only is it expensive to be a vegetarian in a relationship where your partner eats meat, it's so hard trying to think up two different meals too. Usually I decide on what we're both having and cook it up, now it's a case of he can have that, what can I have?! Eek. Anyway until tomorrow...

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