Monday 10 May 2010

Helloooo again. So I forgot to take a packed lunch with me to college today so went to the union bar to get a tuna and mayo baguette (that's allowed I think as most vegetarians eat fish and I haven't touched it in the whole time I've done this, I think) I was so tempted to get a chicken and smoked bacon one though, that looked really nice but I stuck to my guns. As I'm off to work in a couple of hours, I'm not making anything for tea as I'm still full from my baguette and we don't have anything here! So my boyfriend is off shopping this evening, hopefully he will actually buy me some decent veggie stuff cos I can see him just buying meat and saying "oh woops sorry I forgot" but I asked him to get me a leek and potato soup so I can have that when I get back from work. It'll be interesting to see what he buys for me, because obviously I've been buying and making things that I know I will like but he will have to go on his instinct and see if he gets things I like as if he doesn't he will be getting a slap!

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