Tuesday 11 May 2010

Sooooooo tired today! Worked late last night then had two hours of shorthand with no break and then a news writing exam. Been a long day. So for tea I'm making stuffed peppers with some rice and salad, yummy. Can't really be bothered to do anything though so think it's straight to bed after tea! Had a cheese and coleslaw baguette at college today was soooooo yummy, think that might be my new thing yum. My boyfriend did quite well with shopping yesterday, got me some quorn and some veggie sausages and lots of cheese! He said it was very expensive though eek. Think I only have a week left of this though yay, can't wait to start eating meat again and saving some money as I won't have to be buying seperate things for myself. I've done quite well though I think considering I didn't think I was going to last one day. Anyhoo I'm off to make tea now and then get an early night! Nighty night!

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