Tuesday 18 May 2010

Aww my last ever post, I'd like to say it's been fun but strangely it's been kind of hard work. Anyhoo so today I have been at college all day, lots of shorthand but I was getting some of the 100 wpm which I was very proud of myself about yay me. So when I got home I had leek and potato cuppa soup whilst doing some uni work and then for tea I made a vegetarian style burger with all the trimmings and lots of salad. So excited about being able to eat meat tomorrow. I'm working but where I work has the best sausages that they use in their breakfasts so I'm going to have a sausage sandwich and then steak for tea wooooohoooo. I think I have done very well and am so proud of me that I made it the whole 28 days without touching one piece of meat, if you know me well enough you'll know how hard that is for me! So I hope you're all proud of me too. I kind of enjoyed doing this blog but it is hard trying to keep up with it for 28 days and having something good to say everyday. I'm not a blogger myself, don't do facebook or anything, but from doing this I can kind of see that blogging must take up a big part of your life, so maybe people only post things when there is something interesting to say. But when we were assigned this essay it was like "hmm a blog, very easy" but it has been quite difficult thinking of things to say that people following it would be interested in. So I hope my posts haven't been too boring for you all! And I hope you thought my idea of going veggie for 28 days was a good one. Thankyou for taking the time to follow it. Bye bye
My final day, but not my final post as I didn't do one yesterday as I was extremely busy. So I'm going to do another post later to make up for it. Anyhoo so yesterday I had cheesy pasta for lunch with quorn pieces and veggie bacon pieces, wasn't as good as the real thing but I was so hungry I wolfed it down! Then I had work so I didn't have tea till late and I just had a quick jacket potato with cheesy beans. So as I have one more post to do I will write that later on what I have had today and tell you how much I am going to miss doing this, or not as the case may be but anyway, speak to you later!

Sunday 16 May 2010

Good evening! Only two days left yay. Went out last night and got a tad drunk so didn't get up until late today and felt a little sick and didn't fancy anything until tea time. So I made a vegetable pie and roast potatoes (cooked in olive oil not lard) and veg with vegetable gravy. It was quite yummy actually, like a mini roast and I didn't mind that there was no meat involved. Went to Pool Market today and we bought lots of meat off the butchers stand which I've put in the freezer and will probably end up eating it all on Wednesday as that's the first day I can eat meat yay. It's only been 28 days but it has felt like a long time. Anyway back to my assignments and I'll write to you tomorrow. Tata

Saturday 15 May 2010

Ok so sorry about the short post last night I was very tired. Anyhoo as I've been at work today I've had beans on toast and have realised that I can't wait for this vegetarianism to be over as all the breakfasts that were going out this morning made me realise how much I miss meat so it's getting to me today, I think I only have 3 days left though wooooohooooo! I've done very well don't ya think? Ok so as I've just finished work and am very tired I am going to have a nap in a mo I think. On the menu tonight is vegetarian sausages mash and onion gravy. My boyfriend bought some lush pork sausages which he knows I can't have the sly old fox so I've hidden some in the freezer so I can have them when I can eat meat again yay. Then I'll be off to the pub probably if I'm not too tired. Hope you all have wonderful plans for your weekend, speak to you tomorrow. Byeeeeee

Friday 14 May 2010

Had a shorthand exam today which I think went quite well and as it was sunny this afternoon I went to meet my boyfriend at the pub for a couple of drinks and we decided to get pizza takeaway. I just had a cheese and tomato as I didn't fancy a vegetarian one. Haven't eaten anything other than the pizza though as after my exam I went straight to work and didn't really think about eating! Anyhoo the sun (and vodka) have gone straight to my head so I'm off to bed in a mo before work again tomorrow, and then it's more essays, yay so excited! Will write a better post tomorrow but for now I am too tired. Nighty night

Thursday 13 May 2010

Uuufffff, feel really poorly today. Like a kind of flu thing so I gave college a miss as I have a shorthand exam tomorrow and would like to feel my best for it. Tried to get on with my case study but my head was just not on it so instead I've laid around feeling sorry for myself. Haven't eaten all day yet as I haven't felt hungry but am going to make some tea as I need to eat something to get my brain in gear for tomorrow. Going to just have a leek and potato soup as I can't be bothered to actually make a proper meal. Actually thinking about it since I've done this vegetarian thing I have felt a little poorly and very tired, maybe I'm not getting enough iron or something from the lack of meat and my body isn't used to it?! Didn't think about that. Though actually my heads not in the right place to think about anything today! So I'm off to have some soup then curl back up in to bed. Speak tomorrow

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Bonjourno! Been at work today and working this evening so a quick post to let you know whats on the menu today and what yesterdays meals turned out like. The stuffed peppers were very yummy. I put red onion, garlic and rice in them and had some salad with it. Today I had beans on toast at work and tonight I'm making a korma with quorn, it's a sauce from the man who made the reggae reggae sauce and it looks quite nice so lets hope so! My boyfriend is going to have exactly the same as I have work and don't have time to make two different things so he's going to have to make do! He knows though so there's no tricking involved today, thinking when I get home from work he'll have left the curry and made himself a bacon sandwich!

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Sooooooo tired today! Worked late last night then had two hours of shorthand with no break and then a news writing exam. Been a long day. So for tea I'm making stuffed peppers with some rice and salad, yummy. Can't really be bothered to do anything though so think it's straight to bed after tea! Had a cheese and coleslaw baguette at college today was soooooo yummy, think that might be my new thing yum. My boyfriend did quite well with shopping yesterday, got me some quorn and some veggie sausages and lots of cheese! He said it was very expensive though eek. Think I only have a week left of this though yay, can't wait to start eating meat again and saving some money as I won't have to be buying seperate things for myself. I've done quite well though I think considering I didn't think I was going to last one day. Anyhoo I'm off to make tea now and then get an early night! Nighty night!

Monday 10 May 2010

Helloooo again. So I forgot to take a packed lunch with me to college today so went to the union bar to get a tuna and mayo baguette (that's allowed I think as most vegetarians eat fish and I haven't touched it in the whole time I've done this, I think) I was so tempted to get a chicken and smoked bacon one though, that looked really nice but I stuck to my guns. As I'm off to work in a couple of hours, I'm not making anything for tea as I'm still full from my baguette and we don't have anything here! So my boyfriend is off shopping this evening, hopefully he will actually buy me some decent veggie stuff cos I can see him just buying meat and saying "oh woops sorry I forgot" but I asked him to get me a leek and potato soup so I can have that when I get back from work. It'll be interesting to see what he buys for me, because obviously I've been buying and making things that I know I will like but he will have to go on his instinct and see if he gets things I like as if he doesn't he will be getting a slap!
Sooooo sorry I haven't wrote over the weekend, been very very busy with uni work etc etc. I didn't end up going shopping for some non meat food as I had other stuff to sort out. So on Saturday as I was going to the pub in the evening, me and my boyfriend went for a meal. I had vegetarian chilli which was nice but a little bit spicy and I'm not really good with hot food, but the only other vegetarian option was red pepper and mushroom bake, but I don't like mushrooms! I ate most of it though and the main thing was it was vegetarian. Yesterday (Sunday) I didn't really eat as I was hungover from Saturday night so I had some cheese on toast for brunch and a chinese in the evening. Had vegetarian curry again. Found out something horrible though, my boss told me that he had heard of cats being used as chicken in my local chinese eek. Heard a couple of years ago that some chinese were doing it, but didn't think my local one would, so thinking I may steer clear of meat from there altogether! Anyhoo as I have missed a couple of posts I will write another before I go to work this evening. Until then...

Friday 7 May 2010

Weather has been awful today! One of those days where you want to stay in all day in your pyjamas! I didn't, I had to work. So I have the evening to myself tonight as my boyfriend has gone to the pub so I may watch Avatar as someone has lent it to me, and eat lots of rubbish (meat free rubbish). So today for lunch I had a cheese and pickle sandwich and for tea I made quorn style chicken burgers which were yuuuuuummmmmmmyyyyy. My boyfriend had normal chicken which I wasn't really tempted with as mine looked exactly the same, I must be getting strong! Decided I'd like to try some falafel, think that's how you spell it, as some people have told me it's very nice. So I'm off to do some more shopping tomorrow after work to buy some non meat food for the week!

Thursday 6 May 2010

Getting quite frustrated with this not allowed any meat thing, looking at some chicken that my boyfriend cooked up for his lunch and I'm so tempted to have some but I've only got just over a week and I will hate myself if I give up now. Just got home from college and I've had a poached egg on toast mmmmm. As I'm going to work this evening there isn't any point in cooking tea as I won't be able to have anything so just before I go I'm going to have a jacket potato with cheesy beans yum. Getting so bored with having to think up different meals and not really having much choice for anything. I suppose I'm just being picky as I really want some meat at the moment. I can't see this process changing my views for life as I'm struggling with just a few weeks. Think I'm going to have a look online to see if there's any exciting recipes I can make to tickle my pickle!

Wednesday 5 May 2010

Busy busy day today! Been workin till about two ish then had to go and pick my laptop up as it was being fixed then spent the afternoon in the library at college completing some work. As I've been busy all day I didn't have time for lunch so I had some toast quickly before I went to work with just butter on it, and then quorn spag bol for tea. I'm kind of running out of ideas for meals at the mo, I just seem to be repeatin what I've already eaten, but as long as none of it contains meat then I suppose it doesn't matter. So glad I didn't decide to turn vegan, really don't think I would have coped then, that must be really hard to do that all the time! Oh damn I forgot to buy cheese for my packed lunch tomorrow. Sorry thinking out loud there. Anyway I should get off and carry on with some more work got so much to do in so little time toodloooo!

Tuesday 4 May 2010

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, my boyfriends sister has moved in to a new house so I was helping decorate the babies room pink but it took forvever to strip all the old wallpaper off, worst job ever, whoever invented wallpaper needs a slap! Anyhoo so yesterday I fancied a bacon and egg sandwich but as I didn't have any veggie bacon and couldn't have the real stuff I had to have an egg sandwich (not the most exciting thing in the world) then for lunch we all went out and got a pasty but I had to have a veggie one which I was not happy about because I love steak pasties and everyone was tempting me with some grrrr. For tea as we finished late we got takeaway pizza and I had to have a veggie one of those too. I'm telling you this vegetarian stuff is not all it cracks up to be, there doesn't seem to be much choice when it comes to fast food! Today I had cheesy pasta for lunch and I'm having veggie sausages and mash tonight. Not really looking forward to it and I don't like it when I'm not looking forward to my food because I love it! Anyway off to watch easties now then get on with some uni work. Have a lovely evening all!

Sunday 2 May 2010

The sun is shining wooooohooooo! The cheesy 'bacon' pasta was ok, the veggie bacon wasn't as good as normal bacon but am thinking that's only because I knew, thinking if I didn't know it was veggie bacon I wouldn't have known the difference. This vegetarian stuff is taking it's toll on the old purse strings though. It's so expensive when you're in a relationship and only one of you is a vegetarian. Don't know how couples do it everyday of the year as I've only been doing it for a few days and already I'm struggling with money to buy myself different food from my boyfriend. Had a fry up this morning but obviously had vegetarian sausages, rather annoying as it was at the cafe where I work and the pork sausages there are amazing so I was drooling at all the other plates going past me that had the yummy sausages on. As it's a sunny day I'm off to spend the evening at the pub to sit in the beer garden in the sunshine. Still full from my breakfast so not going to cook tea tonight so may just have a cheese and tomato toastie when I get in or something. Bank holiday tomorrow so day off college, got lots of assignments to do so I'll be catching up on them whilst filling you in on what meals I can think up for tea. Not only is it expensive to be a vegetarian in a relationship where your partner eats meat, it's so hard trying to think up two different meals too. Usually I decide on what we're both having and cook it up, now it's a case of he can have that, what can I have?! Eek. Anyway until tomorrow...

Saturday 1 May 2010

Been on a shopping spree today, went to Truro 'briefly' and ended up in all the clothes shops! I deserve I treat I think as I've been working so hard avoiding meat. As I was having lunch on the go I went in to the bakery and had a vegetable pasty, was so tempted to get a sausage roll though, they looked very yummy but I overted my eyes so I wans't tempted to say "chuck a sausage roll in there too". My vegetable curry was very nice last night had to pick out a lot of mushrooms though yuck. Tonight my boyfriend is having lamb but obviously I'm not allowed :( love lamb, so I am going to have cheesy pasta with vegetarian bacon (not looking forward to that but thinking with a cheese sauce I may not be able to really tell) it's supposed to taste exactly like bacon so hoping it'll be just like having cheesy bacon pasta which i luuuurrrrvvvve. Saturday night, so off to get dolled up and wear my new clothes (not all of them at once) to the pub! Byeeeeeeee!